Monday, 29 December 2008

A Set for a Stop Mo Film

Here are some photos of a set I'm am working on for a short film I intend to make about three shepherds.

The Whole Room Set

Here is an over-view of the whole room set. All the walls are removeable so as to get camera viewpoints from all angles


The set before painting

View of the room1

Inside looking up


  1. cool man!!

    exciteing to meet ya....and Ill be watchin for sure.


  2. Wow! That is a lovely set. How long have you been working on this?

  3. Thanks Jriggity... I have been watching your blog and clips you have shared from G'sLD. wish i was there to see the viewing. Have a great day and good luck.

    Hey Crystal your fingers must be steaming :)
    Well I started to getting into this animation thing around august 08 and started the set in Sept I havn't really touched it since Nov because I have been building a camera rig for panning shots...Photos to follow. once bitten!

  4. Those trusses are spectacular. wish I could build something like those.

  5. Thanks Shelly. I did quite a bit of research at my local library about old english cottages and there were quite a few plan drawings which gave me inspiration. My whole set is made from foam board (Kappa), which is easily cut with a craft knife and glues together with PVA, UHU or glue gun very well.
